I woke up with The Final Countdown stuck in my head. That's because today is the wrap up of this weeks' series!
Being a bibliophile, I love hearing about new books and receiving suggestions. I got a ton this week from all over. I haven't had a chance to read (or even get my hands on) them, but I know they're awesome from the enthusiasm and reviews that came pouring in! And, after looking over this list, your memory is jogged, send me a comment, email or Tweet and let me know which books have helped you out!
If you missed the first three installments, go check 'em out here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. (Really, what are you waiting for?!)
If you missed the first three installments, go check 'em out here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. (Really, what are you waiting for?!)
Reader Suggestions
The Hands-Down Reader's Choice
Married to the Military: A Survival Guide for Military Wives, Girlfriends, and Women in Uniform
Annnd Here are the Rest in One Spot!
Thank you to everyone who read, pinned, suggested, and commented! You made this series a success!
awesome, i'm excited to check these out!