Friday, July 5, 2013

DIY Deployment Photo-a-Day Journal

When John left, I had this amazing idea: I would take one photo of something I was doing every day for the whole year he was gone. I'd put them in a binder and give them to him as a homecoming present! He'd be able to see what I was up to all year. Cool, right?

I made signs every day and wrote a little description. I tried to be creative and goofy. And I made it about 20 days before the inevitable: I missed a day and then another and another... and I gave up. (It probably would have been easier had I had a smart phone so I always had a camera on me.)

John's never seen these photos (in fact, he still doesn't know I was planning this huge project). Here they are, to give you an idea of how butt-kicking awesome this could have been.

If you've got a deployment on the horizon, give this idea a try! And if you do, let me know how it works out! 

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