
Friday, February 22, 2013

Being Super Social!

At the beginning of February, I participated in the Lots of Love Blogger Swap. The idea was to get the name of another blogger, (lovingly) stalk their blog for a bit, and then send them a care package in time for Valentine's Day. I was lucky enough to get a box from the crafty Denyse from Glitter, Glue and Paint.

She sent me a Charm City Cakes wedding cake pop kit, a bag of Swedish Fish, and a recipe for... fried green tomatoes! It was absolutely perfect! I haven't had a chance to try the cake pops yet, although I can't wait. That's going to be an activity for next week, I think. (I have to confess, I've never even eaten a cake pop  before. Feel free to judge me.)  I've been chomping on Swedish Fish. And, I've finally got a tried-and-true fried green tomatoes recipe which, when I make them, will be one more check mark off on my 100 in 365 list!  Thanks, Denyse! That package made my day!

Today, I'm lucky enough to be a co-host for Sarah's blog hop. You will probably recognize her since she blogs at Life In a Breakdown and has been chilling on my sidebar for the whole month of February. If you've got a blog, feel free to link up and hop around! We'd love to have you!

post signature

I love my posy 
Welcome to the I Love My Post blog hop where we invite you to link up your favourite post of the week, to show it off and hopefully receive some love from the others partaking in the hop!
If you are yet to participate in a hop they are really simple to get the hang of all you need to do is 'hop' around, hopefully finding some new great reads!

The Rules are simple. 
1. Check out and follow the hosts and co-hosts. Leave them a comment if you would like them to follow back. 
2. Choose at least 3 other blogs and hop on over and leave them some love, plus let them know how you found them - I'm sure they would love it if you followed as well! 
3. Have Fun and come back next Saturday.
Please just don't link up and click off to make this successful everyone needs to hop around!

Your Host’s this week are: 
Sarah from Life in a Break Down 
Bex from Futures 
and our lovely co-host’s are: 
Jo from Jo MyGosh 
Vita from PixieVita 
I would love it if you would tweet, share on facebook or place our button on your blog, the more sharing we can get happening the bigger this hop can become!
Life in a Break Down
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Life in a Break Down"><img src="" alt="Life in a Break Down" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
This week's Featured Blogger is: Natalie from from Twenty Three Seventeen I love Natalie's blog she's a straight talker and there's something about that that always draws me in - you know what your getting with someone who's straight down the line - check out more about her here. ~ Sarah
If you fancy being next week’s featured blogger make sure you follow all the rules give you hosts and co-hosts a follow and Sarah could be calling on you next week to come and feature with us.


  1. Hi!

    Hope you're well & thanks for co-hosting - lovely, pretty blog :)

    Jo (MsBlue) x

  2. I absolutely love your blog layout. It's absolutely phenomenal. So glad you were co hosting this week. I'm following and totally looking forward to more posts. Have a lovey weekend. :)


  3. Hey Hun,
    I'm following for the 'I Love My Post' Hop.
    Loving the Pintrest pins, how do you do that?
    Have a great day x

    1. Hey Kerry! Thank you so much for following! I forget the tutorial that I used (otherwise I'd put the link out here), but I googled it to find out how to do it. The information on Pinterest's site doesn't work well for Blogger.

  4. I found you via the blog hop and also love your blog layout, so pretty xx

  5. You are very welcome, Jo! I hope you enjoy your fried green tomatoes and once you try a cake pop you will be addicted. My favorite!!!

    1. I can't wait to try them out! :-) They look so intriguing, and I love learning how to do new things!

  6. I'm a new follower, thanks for cohosting!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! :-) I'm checking your blog out right now!

  7. I've never had a cake pop either...haha. Sounds like a fun little swap you participated in!
    Penniless Socialite
    February Group Giveaway!

  8. Ahhh the Valentines day care packages is SUCH a cute idea!! xxx


Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me! Keep in touch!

Best wishes always,