
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cherry Blossoms and #72

Things that are exciting: checking another item off my 100 in 365 list. And yesterday, I did just that!

Despite living in Baltimore for almost five full years and really wanting to go, I had never been to the Cherry Blossom Festival. It's too easy to put these things off until "next year." 

And even this year, even with the list, I didn't commit to going until a few minutes before my dad and I jumped in the car and headed down to the nearest Metro station.

It was a great day-- we saw parts of the Cherry Blossom parade, walked around the rim of the Tidal Basin, saw a ton of tired, cranky kids and annoyed parents, tried to figure out why some people decided to dress as sexy anime characters (what?), and ate street food sitting on a curb. The best thing though, was that I got to spend some quality one-on-one time with Dad. Sappy, maybe, but true.

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  1. Yay! This was my first year too! I grew up in NOVA and now live outside of Annapolis. It was lovely to finally go see them!

  2. We spent three years in Japan and I miss the cherry blossoms. I loved when the petals would fall and it would look like snow!

  3. This looks like such a fun time! :) Absolutely gorgeous.

  4. I am so bummed we didn't get to see the cherry blossoms this year. Every winter I have high hopes of our days exploring DC and picnic-ing underneath the blossoms....and then reality comes and I never see them! Glad you got to see them and spend some time with your dad!

  5. Aw. So fun. I love cherry blossoms! They're so beautiful! I had never seen them in Texas until moving overseas!


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