
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Erin Go Care Package!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day, everyone! I spent this weekend in Virginia Beach running the Shamrock 8k with a friend and apartment hunting-- both things which are super exciting!  (And don't worry--there will be a post to follow soon!) That's why this holiday-specific package is getting posted a little on the late side. (I hope you're not to drunk off of green beer to read it! If you are, save it until tomorrow!) 

I've been trying to send John care packages that are full of useful things, rather than cutesy things that don't help him at all. 

...But for Saint Patrick's Day, I couldn't wait to send him a frivolous package. After all, it's Saint Patrick's Day! When I was in high school, I marched in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin with my high school band, so for the last 10 years or so, it's always had a very special place in the spot in my heart reserved for holidays. 

You know it's not a package of mine without a god-awful pun. For this box, I couldn't help myself; there are two. Both are absolutely groan-worthy.

I thought it would be great to send John a bit o' fun. I don't know if he'll be able to use it. If he can't, I hope that he at least gives it to someone who can.

Let me preface this by saying (honestly and truthfully, Mom), I am a sober beer pong player. I attribute this to my love of playing dumb games that require zero skill and my absolute disdain for the taste of beer. Really, I can't stand the stuff. It makes me want to gag. When it comes down to it, I may have only played beer pong a total of 10 times... ever. And one time may not even count because we were playing with eggnog (another substance that I dislike) at Christmastime.

Afghanistan is (obviously) a dry country, so there's no green beer or Irish whiskey to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with. Instead, I sent a game of (root) beer pong!

The package showed up on March 17, which is exciting! It's nice to know that when there are so many variables with this deployment, I can actually count on the mail!

Are you feeling lucky? Enter our Freakin' Awesome March Giveaway and get an extra boost from the Irish this month!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
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  1. What a fun care package! That was my favorite part of 2 deployments, I loved sending him stuff. I am getting even more ideas for #3.

  2. Too crazy! Mail arriving right on time - it must really be a lucky day.

    1. I know, RIGHT? I can't complain-- it has been pretty reliable from my end. (Except for one letter that I mailed in June that ended up in Afghanistan in December... by way of Gitmo.... what?) From John's, not so much. It'll sometimes take 12 days for a letter to get to me... and sometimes 20. But the packages are almost always there in 5 days.

  3. Great care package!! Awesome Giveaway!! :) God bless!!!

  4. What a cute idea!! I love this. And I love your puns. Both of them.


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Best wishes always,