
Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Date (Box) to Remember!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Today has been a pretty tough day-- not because John's gone, but because my students were so hyped up on sugar that they were almost literally bouncing off the walls. Add to that numerous enormous stuffed bears, Macy's-Parade-sized balloons, and gigantic sweets, and you can understand the difficulties of my day.  

So, while dealing with sugar-rushing, hormone-raging teens today, I went to my happy place: Valentine's Day last year. John was close to Baltimore for some training, so we were able to go on an honest-to-goodness, in-the-flesh, really-real Valentine's Day date. It was the first Valentine's Day we spent together, and it was fantastic: one of the best dates-- nay, best evenings-- ever.

When I came up with the box, I was feeling a little sorry for myself. I wanted to relive that night. And then, I realized that we could! Distance be damned! So, I sent John a Valentine's Day dinner box with everything to recreate that night and for us to share a dinner together
John took me to Il Porto, a fantastic Italian restaurant. We had a fantastic three-course dinner complete with candles and linens, so of course, the box had to have a place setting equal to the restaurant's ambiance! Yes, this dinner is so fancy that I just had to include a plastic champagne flute and a menu.  (I have a matching glass and the same napkins and plates for myself.)  You guys know me-- I embrace the cheesy-- and there's a whole lot of cheese in the menu!

Appetizer: Trader Joseph's Bruschetta with Handcrafted Cracker Thins
(I sent a jar of Trader Joe's bruschetta, which is one of John's favorite items for me to send. I also sent him a bag of the homemade Wheat Thins I shared this week.) 

Main Course: Tender Rotini with Fire-Roasted Tomato Sauce  (You guessed it-- it's a Healthy Choice microwavable meal!) 

Dessert: A pair of Double Chocolate Sweet Cherry Cookies (I also blogged about this recipe this week!) 

While our dinner was amazing last year, the best part was the time that we spent together. We walked around town holding hands and window shopping. To represent this, I took one of my gloves that no longer has a partner, and filled it with rice. John can microwave it, slip it into his uniform, and use it as a hand warmer. That night, we visited an insanely cute candy store and had fun buying way, way, way too much candy. So, I sent him a few of Six-Minute Vanilla Caramels.  And, of course, there's the goodnight kiss.  I packed a Hershey's Kiss. 

Next year, we'll have another Valentine's Day to share together, but for this year, we'll make do with Skype and a Healthy Choice meal. (Nothing says love like pasta at 10 PM for me-- and 7:30 AM for him!) Still, I am so lucky that John has internet access. I absolutely cannot complain. Not even one tiny bit! 

I didn't think the box would make it to John in time-- especially when Winter Storm Nemo hit the East Coast. Today, John emailed me-- he got the box in the nick of time! Now, pardon me as I paint my nails and do my hair! I have a hot date tonight!

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  1. hope your hot date goes good! I know i'm a tad behind on your blog. but i'm trying to catch up but it's so hard to do. hope you had a great valentines day. :) I've followed you on twitter, facebook, and google

  2. hope you had a great date!! i love this box and all its adorable love!!

    1. Thank you! It was a fantastic date! The microwave dinner wasn't as good as last year's, but the conversation was awesome. :-)

  3. This box is absolutely adorable (if thats appropriate for a guys care package :)) My hubby is stationed overseas as well and his Internet sucks so we don't really get to talk or email, but it's much better than his last deployment! I look forward to following your blog!! :)

    1. Thanks, Kym! I am now following your blog too! We girls have to stick together! :-)

  4. What a great idea! Thank you to your husband for his service and to you for hanging in there for him!

    1. Thank you for dropping by! I will be sure to let him know that he is appreciated! (He does read the blog when he can, so he may see your comment! :-) )

  5. My husband went on two separate deployments and I never came up with something this creative. This is a wonderful idea. Love the blog, visiting from Saturday Sharefest!

    1. Two deployments! My hat is off to you! Thank you for stopping by-- I can't wait to check out your blog!

  6. What an absolutely adorable idea. I love it! I hope you and he had a wonderful Valentine's Day; y'all deserve it, and I'm sure it's hard when you're battling distance. Stopping by from SITS :) Have a wonderful weekend!

    Diary of a Debutante

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! It really was a wonderful evening! :-)

  7. That is the cutest thing I've seen.I wanted to start these types of packages for people but was totally sidetracked by the amount of orders coming in for Valentine's at my online site.

    1. Thanks Khloe! If you make one (or a ton), let me know! I'd love to feature you! (I can only imagine how beautiful they'll be!)

    2. Couldn't find the ordinary comment box for some reason!

      A great idea btw - thanks for linking up :)

      Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

    3. Thanks, Sarah! I love getting to know new bloggers!

  8. Very cute! I love themed care packages...great idea!

  9. That is amazing! I'm sure he was very grateful and appreciative! My husband always loved getting treats from us, but I never thought of doing something this special!
    Visiting from sits!

  10. What a perfect way to spend time together when your so far apart. This was a very clever idea! Have a happy SITS day!

  11. That is so sweet! The perfect idea for when you can't be together on a special occasion.

  12. The excitement of preparing those items was probably a great way to prep for your date. Thanks for sharing so openly. Enjoy your SITS Day.

  13. Oh, how sweet! I love that you worked to recreate your date from the pervious year, so creative. Happy SITS day!

  14. This one brought tears to my eyes. John is one lucky guy!!

  15. What a sweet idea! Such a wonderful way to share fond memories, and feel close when you can`t be together. :)

  16. That is so sweet! I just loved reading this story. Over from SITS

  17. Sounds beautiful! My boyfriend and I just celebrated our first V-day together after 3 years of dating so I can relate! Happy SITS Day (oops belated)!

  18. Such a cute and sweet idea. Just too cute


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Best wishes always,