
Saturday, December 29, 2012

13 Posts for 2013

2012, wow. What a year! Strange, thrilling, maddening, challenging, frustrating, and elating... and all in just 366 days. I can't say that I'm excited that 2012 is over, but I can't say that I'm sad to see it go. 

2012 will always be the year that John proposed.  But it will also always be the year that he left for Afghanistan. But 2012 will also be the year that I traveled more than I have in a long time. It's the year I spent more time with my Grandpa, the year I started writing again, the year I began a blog, the year I completed a half-marathon. It is the year I lived in two time zones and tried to function in both of them. And, perhaps, not coincidentally, I was sicker this year than I have been for a long time.

I haven't been blogging for a whole year yet, but I thought it would be fun to take a look back on 13 posts to celebrate 2013.

As a teacher, I operate in the cycle of the school year. August 30th (or around there) always feels like the start of the new year, while January 1st always feels like more of an interlude. And since I've been blogging since the beginning of the 2012-13 school year, I thought it appropriate to categorize the posts with some high school terminology.

The Populars
These posts have gotten the most views, pins, tweets, and likes.
I sent John a box of faux sushi in September with the intent of giving him something to laugh about . I didn't expect it to be the blog's all-time most viewed post!  
During No Shave November, I sent John a mustache-themed care package with just about as much non-DFAC food as I could possibly stuff into it. 

An act of kindness made a box of bagels blog-worthy in November.

The Wall Flowers
I loved writing these posts, but they didn't get much traffic. Show 'em a little love now!
When I started wearing John's in June, I didn't realize how contentious the issue was in the military community. Nor did I anticipate the comments and questions I'd encounter.

We made it to 100 days during September. It was the first time I really wrote candidly about John's deployment and was a huge leap of faith for me. 

Because I'm a wuss, I just had to write about crying during a Sam Adams beer commercial. Yes, you read that right, and yes, there's probably a reason it's the least-viewed post in my blog's portfolio.

The Social Butterflies
These posts received the most comments. And I love reading what you have to think! It's always wonderful see a new comment notification in my inbox! 
I sent John an Advent care package this year-- 24 ornaments to hang on a paper Christmas tree. This was the inaugural post, and I was so pleased to see that it struck a chord with my readers!
During December, I sent my youngest sister what was probably the strangest thing she's ever gotten in the mail.
Just a day ago, I reached out to the blogo-Twitto-Facebooko-spheres and asked for care package help for a reader. The sense of community and response was overwhelming and touching. You are the best! 

The Teacher's Pets
My favorites. 'Nuff said.

I just loved this package-- it cracked me up. Plus, Bon Jovi. Is anything else important?

Writing this post was one of the most reflective, calming, and uplifting things I've done for myself all year. 

This was my favorite care package decoration I've made thus far, and John got a kick out of it too!

The Odd Man Out
There's always the kid who doesn't have a partner...
This is one of two recipes that John consistently asks for. It's easy, as healthy as you want to make it, and extremely shippable! 

post signature


  1. Hi, Marie from the Social Mix Blog Hop! That sure is a great way to cap off the year!

  2. Thanks for linking this up to my New Year's link-up on Fibro, Fit and Fab! It's perfect! :) I also love your headings. They made me smile and LOL. :)

    Happy New Year (a little early), Jo!

    1. Hey Julie,
      Of course I would link up with you! I love your link parties!And I'm glad my headings make you smile... that's what I'm going for! :-D
      Happy 2013!!

  3. Hi! New follower here from the weekend blog hop! LOVE your site, so cute! Would love a visit from you over at Moms Surviving Kids!

  4. I love this post!
    I was looking for some good posts to read to get to know you better so having them categorized like this rocks!

    1. Hey Meg, I'm glad that you found this useful! I was thinking of putting a truncated version of this on my About page... from your feedback, it sounds like I definitely should! :-)

  5. Looks like a great year of crafts/projects! Love the sushi & mustache idea. Writing these tips down to be used soon.

    Have a great year girl!

  6. Cute idea for a post! I didn't read your dog tag post the first time around, so I went and read it. I also didn't know that was something controversial to do! I have never worn my husband's, but that's just because I don't like the way they jingle. When he was deployed (July '11 - July '12) I wore a deployment pin. It had a yellow ribbon and the blue star flag on it. I wore it every day with the idea that he is deployed every day. It was a small way to remember him and to tell people around me what I was going through. (I think that is a big thing for those of us who don't live as part of a military community.)*

    1. Thanks, Amy! I totally agree-- I live completely outside of the military community and it's important to me that people know John's deployed. It's not that I want sympathy or pity or anything... It's just such a big part of my life right now!

  7. New Follower!! Found you though the link up! Love your Year in Review!!Hope to get to know you better! Love your blog... and if you have time check me out at Happy New Year! K Jaggers

  8. love this and how you set up this post!!!! great idea!!! :) Visiting from Fibro, Fit & Fab New Year's link up! :)

  9. Hi I found you through the blog hop. Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance. Have a great week.

  10. Hi. Just found you through the I Love My Post Hop. Hope you will come by and visit and follow if you like!
    Be blessed,
    Julie @ Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk

  11. Hiya Jo,

    Loving the play on words in your description :) Very clever.
    I also loved the little clips of each post, they definitely got me intrigued.
    After this comment I'm heading off to show them some love.

    Hoppin' by from the 'I Love my Post' blog hop.
    I've followed & liked and all that techy business ~
    Kez @ Stuff n Things

  12. Ooooh! Can't wait to read so many of these! Your titles are intriguing!!
    I'm stopping by from Julie's New Years Link up!

  13. HAPPY SITS DAY...such great posts, can't wait to read them.

  14. Happy SITS day Jo!!! Good to know you!

  15. As a not one year yet blogger, I admire your energy. Love the round up of your posts. Happy SITS Day.

  16. Happy SITS Day! I'm looking forward to reading your blog posts!

  17. I love the way you categorized them! I'm off to check them out.

  18. What a great concept. I'm here from SITS and noticed all the commenters talking about blog hops. Do you have a favorite? I am always looking for ones that actually bring traffic, comments & help build relationships.

    I'm delighted to visit... I'm going to think about doing this... maybe at the END of the school year! :~)

    Happy SITS day!

  19. It was fun getting to know you. Happy SITS Day!!

  20. Great way to organize your must-read posts!

  21. Oh you are so adorable in how you stay in touch! I loved every one I read about. I came here through the SITS featured link and I'm so glad I did. Wishing you all the best!

  22. Loved reading all about you! Happy SITS day! I love how your line on bloglovin "Taking on deployment one post at a time." Love it!


Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me! Keep in touch!

Best wishes always,