
Friday, February 15, 2013

Introductions and Chances

I'm doing something I've never done before-- introducing my fantastic sidebar sponsors!! If you've read Jo, My Gosh! for a while, you probably have noticed that I recently ventured into advertising.

One of the great things about blogging is getting to connect with people from all over the world and from all different walks of life. I have enjoyed getting to know each one of these lovely women (and I'm learning so much about blogging from them)! I hope you take a minute and drop by each one of their blogs-- you will not be disappointed! 

And, as if that's not enough, today also marks the first official giveaway for Jo, My Gosh! We've got $60 worth in prizes up for grabs-- a gift card and tons of ad space! What more could anyone want? Read below for all of the details!

Meet Tif from The Ramblings of a Southern Belle!
Hiya, y'all! I'm Tif! I blog over at The Ramblings of a Southern Belle. I'm married to my high school sweetheart for almost 24 years now (and I put a love note in his lunch every single day).  Proud momma of an amazing son who is about to be 24... yikes-- I'm old!  I love the Lord, fashion, and everything Pink! I'm thrilled to be sitting on Jo, My Gosh!'s sidebar and can't wait to get to know all of you!
Meet Sarah from Life in a Break Down!
Hi, I'm Sarah and I run Life in a Break Down, a blog that is filled to the brim with all sorts. From beauty to fashion, lifestyle to the weird and wonderful-- you will laugh and cry and hopefully awww at the animals. So pop on by and say hi!

Meet Chantal from Scattered Seashells!
Hi, I'm Chantal! I'm a writer, wife to an Army helicopter pilot, and mom to a young toddler named Penny. I blog about life as a mom and everything related!

Meet Breanna from Sweet Silver Lining!
I'm a 24-year-old recently graduated nurse from Minnesota. I love country music, the color pink, sparkles, and dream of living in Nashville.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Do you have a blog? A business? An organization? You can be a Jo, My Gosh! sponsor, too! For the month of February, use code OMG JMG for 50% off ANY ad space! That's right! 50% off!

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  1. These all sound like such sweet ladies!

  2. Awesome giveaway! I hope I win:)

    1. Thanks for entering, Amanda! Fingers crossed!

  3. Good luck with your giveaway, shame I'm in the UK ;)

    It's nerve racking doing this for the first time isn't it :)

    The Tales of Me

    1. I hope you entered anyway! :-) All of the prizes will be distributed electronically! :-D

    2. I cannot get over that tif has a 24 year old son!!iwouldnthave put her a day past 25. not even kidding.

    3. Me neither! I want whatever she's eating/drinking!

  4. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)

    1. You're very welcome! Thanks for entering, Natalie!!


Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me! Keep in touch!

Best wishes always,