
Friday, January 4, 2013

So. Excited.

I am desperately trying to write this blog post without being completely distracted. I have a feeling this is going to take me twice as long to write and I'll end up with a handful of half-baked sentences when I'm done. I apologize, my lovely friends.

Usually, I'm a focused, butt-kicking, names-taking tornado of activity. This year, that hasn't been me. But right now, that really isn't me. I just cannot stay focused for the life of me.

And that's because...

This month, John comes home for R&R. 

Writing that sentence is so thrilling. 

It's been seven months since we've seen each other. I'm fairly certain that I have forgotten how to kiss in that time. (If I have, that's going to be one awkward scene in the airport.) I have to remember how to be 27 again, since my insane cross stitching binge has aged me about 53 years. (Don't mind me while I adjust my dentures.) I spent Christmas break shopping for new, cute winter clothes. I got a haircut and  I need to get a manicure and pedicure to convince John that I haven't let myself go to seed. (Although, during this deployment I've watched way too many episodes of "Honey Boo Boo" and convinced myself too many times that chocolate constitutes a legitimate dinner. I am shame-faced.)

Soon, at an undisclosed time on some day during January at an undisclosed place somewhere in the US, John's boots are going to hit American soil and R&R will begin!  

And until then, I have to keep myself busy with something, even if it's flitting from half-finished final exam that I'm desperately trying to write, to a half-written email, to an online shopping cart filled with cross stitch kits, to laundry that I keep forgetting in the dryer.

And please, just ignore the fact that I'm currently wearing half of my pjs and half of what I wore to work. I'm a happy, nervous, twitchy mess right now. I can't possibly be bothered with putting on a whole set of clothes.

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  1. Oh my goodness, that is SO exciting!! So glad my boyfriend just got out of the military...I could NEVER deal with deployment. I admire you for being able to go through that!


  2. YAY!!!! I am so excited for you!

    Wait...chocolate isn't a legitimate dinner???? Oh mannnnnnn!

  3. That's so cool that you finally get to see each other again after such a long time. I'm sure the kissing won't stop! :) By the way, I was raised an Army brat and my dad still works for the American military, but now as a civilian.

    Visiting from SITS,

  4. Yay, that's awesome!
    Enjoy the time (I know you will!).

    Stopping by from SITS.

  5. How exciting! I hope you find your inner 27 again soon and enjoy the R&R! Visiting from SITS, have a great day!

  6. Awesome! I remember that anticipation!

  7. Yeay! I hope that R&R is exactly what the two of you are hoping for!*

  8. YAY! So excited for you! :) I hope you have a great time!

  9. How exciting! I can only imagine how excited you must be :-) Happy Sharefest!

  10. Congratulations on seeing your man soon! Aloha from the Aloha Friday hop! Esther Norine Designs

  11. How exciting for you! Um chocolate not a legit meal...dear me... um combine it with something to make at meal? HA! I adore chocolate as well! So happy that your sailor will be home for RnR soon and hope you have a great time together. Hugs and stay calm! Breath! Smile. Enjoy!

  12. Congratulations! What a fabulous thing to be anticipating. I hope the time passes quickly until he gets there and slowly while he's there.

    Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  13. Thank you everyone, for your kind thoughts and wishes! I don't have time right now to respond individually, but know that I am very grateful that you took time to celebrate with me!


Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me! Keep in touch!

Best wishes always,