
Friday, November 30, 2012

An Advent to Remember

Finally, finally, finally December is here (or, at least in less than an hour and a half)! And with December comes so many wonderful things-- cookies, Santa, snow... and Advent calendars! 

I love Advent calendars. Way before John deployed-- and by way before, I mean last Christmas-- I started thinking about what I could do to make December less awful for him. The only logical answer was an  Advent calendar. What could be better? There's something to look forward to every single day!

It took me almost a month to put the box together-- which was why John didn't get a Thanksgiving package from me. (I promised him it would be worth it... so here's hoping it is!).

The Advent box consisted of four main things: a poem that I glued around the inside of the box, 24 wrapped and numbered packages,  a Don't Blame Jo for These Awful Christmas Songs CD (compiled by Rachel and more on that later), and a cut-out Christmas tree.

Rachel helped me with the rhyme (because she's funnier and much more creative than I). The photo is a bit hard to read-- I didn't realize it until I had posted the boxes. So if you're squinting, here it is: 

I'm sending you a Christmas tree
To tack up on your wall.
It's just cut out of paper,
I didn't find it at the mall.

The rest are tiny presents
Labeled one to twenty-four
Just  one wrapped-up surprise a day
So December's not a bore.

 This box is filled with presents,
Yes, there are presents in a pile.
But the best one comes in just six weeks:
I get to see you smile! 

So like a happy, little mouse
Who finds a box of cheeses,
Merry Christmas to you, John
And, Happy Birthday, Jesus! 

Because John doesn't have a lot of room in his barracks, I didn't know if he'd be able to put up a Christmas tree if I sent him one. Instead, I bought green wrapping paper and cut out a paper tree for him. What's more space-economical than a paper Christmas tree? Nothing, that's what!
The tree is about four feet tall. I sketched out an outline on the back of the wrapping paper free hand. Then, I just folded it and put it at the very bottom of the box in an attempt to keep it from wrinkling too much. 

So, here's an Advent surprise for you! For the month of December, I'll be blogging about the craft or item in John's Advent calendar. If it's a craft, I'll supply the directions and templates! Check back daily to find out what's next on Jo, My Gosh!'s...


  1. I.Love.This.

    What an awesome thing to do! He will be so happy!

    Happy Sharefest!

  2. What a wonderful idea to creae this wonderful care package. I am sure he will cherish each and every moment of it.

    Wishing you a most wonderful Sharefest!

    1. Thank you for visiting, Patricia! And happy Sharefest to you, too!

  3. Happy Sharefest!

    What an amazing idea! I'm sure he'll love it. If you get the chance, tell him (and his barracks) that I said, "Merry Christmas!" and "Thank you for serving!" People like him are my heroes.

    I'm adding you to my reading list and such so I can keep up with this. :)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks so much, Julie! I will be sure to pass on your kind words!

    2. You're welcome, and thank you for linking up this post to our 12 Days of Christmas {Goodies} link-up! I'm sure it will warm the hearts of many!

  4. I love that poem! (And yes, I was squinting a little bit...thanks for typing it out!) I'm looking forward to what you have in store for us this December!

    1. Thank you! My sister gets most of the credit for it. I was having trouble with the last stanza, and she came through for me!

  5. That is an awesome advent calender idea. It sure beats candies.

  6. What a sweet gift. I love advent too and every year try to come up with a new way to celebrate it.

    1. It's difficult to think about celebrating Advent when there's Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's to get ready for too... but I like your idea of having a new way to celebrate it ever year! That's great!

  7. What a great idea! I love your poem!

  8. I love Advent Calendars and doing something special for my guy. What an adventure. Thanks for sharing. I will pop back and see what you are doing. Enjoy Sharefest.

    One year I put a note about things I loved about my husband in the advent calendar. It was so much fun. I was like a kid watching him read them day by day.

    Last night I visited a nativity collection display and took only one picture. If you have time, pop over and take a peek.

    1. That's a great idea! Maybe for next year, although hopefully I won't have to mail it to him next year!

      And I'll definitely pop over! Thanks for coming by!

  9. Fun idea and I'm sure John will appreciate it. The paper tree is a nice idea. I remember when i was in the Air Force, years ago and in England, pkgs from my mom,especially with cinnamon rolls, were great to receive. I did share a bit. Visiting from AF wife. Take care!

    1. Thanks! I've never attempted sending cinnamon rolls... but now that you mention it... I do like a challenge!

  10. Thank you for linking up to the 12 Days of Christmas {Goodies} party! We have a friend currently deployed and my husband deploys next year. I know exactly how much these mean to them. Tell your husband thank you for his service! Thank you to you too! Us wives hold down the homefront and no one knows how much we sacrifice too. We keep the men in line ;) Have a great weekend girl!

    1. I'm excited to do the link-up! I have only ever done a one-time link-up for Thanksgiving, so it'll be fun to try yours out! What a great idea.

      I will tell John, and thank your husband for me as well. (Although, I don't know how much keep anyone in line, haha.)

  11. Hi Jo!

    I absolutely love this idea, my fiance is shipping off for the first time before Christmas this year and I just want him to know that I'm here for and support him 100%. I was thinking of doing this idea and making it my own but I was wondering what the 24 gifts were that you sent your husband? My curiosity is just dying to know! :)
    Hope you're having a wonderful new year!!!

    1. Hey Rachel! Here's the link to everything that I put in the package:

      Let me know if you need anything! Preparing for a first deployment is especially hard, and I'll be happy to help any way that I can!


Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me! Keep in touch!

Best wishes always,