
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Go, Baltimore Craisins!

Happy Super Bowl weekend! Living in Baltimore, I've got a special investment in the outcome of tomorrow's game. While I'm not really an NFL fan-- college football is more my thing-- the (hoped for? prayed for?) word on the teacher-street is that if the Ravens win, possibly, maybe, hopefully school might be cancelled the day the ticker-tape parade rolls through downtown Charm City. You know who I'm rooting for.

John's beloved team is out of the running, but that's no reason to not celebrate the Super Bowl! I've mentioned before that, when John left after his R&R, I freaked out a little. Part of my freak-out included a Supermarket-Sweeps-style shopping trip so that he doesn't have to eat at the DFAC every day (or ever). 

Prior to this box, I have never sent a box with the intent of actually feeding John. I sent fun foods and things that I thought he'd miss-- including homemade goodies. This time, though, shopping for the care package was different. John has requested that I send him healthy (or healthier) options than what he can get at the DFAC. And they had to be staples for his diet. And they had to be able to be eaten cold or with very minimal prep.

Sadly, it is tougher to find products that meet all of those requirements. Here's what I packed in this box: dried fruits, nuts, Healthy Choice Lunch Express meals, microwavable individual soups and one-serving canned soups (broth- and tomato-based-- not cream-based). 

Because my mad Tetris skills come in handy when packing every centimeter of John's care packages, I was able to fit in nine tubs of soup... perfect for a Super Bowl package. My sister and I brainstormed awesome puns for each team-- the Baltimore Craisins (and yes, I included a bag of craisins), and the Forky-Niners (of course, I forgot to include the forks I was going to mail along). (Rachel wanted it to be the SPAM Francisco Forky-Niners. It does have a very nice, dorky ring to it.) 

I wrapped the box in Mardi Gras green gift wrap (my little homage to championship host-city, New Orleans) and topped it off with both teams' helmets.

After John left, I sent him five care packages; three of which I'll be blogging about. You've got the first one; the next two will be forth coming! Get pumped!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. How exciting! I wish you lots of luck on this giveaway.

    P.S. hope I win! Have a great weekend :)

  2. this is so cute!!! Such a creative husbad would have loved this box.

  3. LOL I seriously laughed at the names! Awesome puns! :) I hope he loves his box!

    1. Thanks for linking this up to our Sweets For My Sweetie link-up, too, Jo! :) It's great!

  4. Stopping by from Sunday Funday! Love for you to stop by Naptime Review and link up to Mom's Monday Mingle. Also return the follow when you can. Look forward to reading more :)

    julie @ Naptime Review

  5. This looks so fun! Love packages like this!! And great just getting it all in there- glad Tetris playing paid off! :)


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