
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fail Box

I'm an exceptionally detail-oriented person. Little things that are out of place bug me. I'm not clinically OCD, but I'm probably just a shade away from it.  For example: I'm having a difficult time picking wedding invitations because it bothers me that the font of our Save the Dates and the wedding invitations won't match. 

Writing it makes it sound even crazier. Believe me, there are things I completely let slide-- like exercise or learning math or getting my oil changed every however long it's supposed to be-- but crafty, visual things, I just cannot. 

That's why it pains me to show you this box. The idea was cute. The execution was... not. 

This box was one of three that I threw together right after John went back to Afghanistan after his R&R. This was my left over food box-- whatever didn't fit into the Super Bowl and F Words boxes got crammed into this one. And yes, I had to use extra boxing tape to make sure the sides didn't split out on its trip to Afghanistan. 

I also made and sent along Empty Pantry Bars-- my very own granola bar creation.

The failure of this box was the decorations. The colors just didn't work, and the flaps are hard to read. The outside of the box says, "Hey Good Lookin'." That's easy to see; however, the inside flaps should read, "Here's What's Cookin'." The letters and background just didn't work, and I had too little time to fix it and try again. 

The good thing is that I don't think John notices the decorations too much. Especially for this box. I'm fairly certain he just ripped into the granola bars the minute he saw them.  And that's a very, very good thing!

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  1. Oh, I would be frustrated too if it didn't turn out the way I had pictured it, but I'm sure John will still love it!

  2. Here from the blog hop. I think the box looks fantastic. You do a great job with the care packages!

    1. Hi, Heather! Thanks for dropping by! I will be over to check out your blog soon!

  3. I would drive you nuts. I'm so unorganized it's ridiculous.

    1. Haha, not so. I'm disorganized about certain things... really disorganized.

  4. It's still cute and I know he'll love it! :)

    1. Thanks, Julie! You are such a sweetheart! :)

  5. No doubt he was just thrilled to receive a box full of such awesome goodies! :)

    1. I think that was the case. I know he's told me almost all of the granola bars are gone already... haha.

  6. I don't know exactly what you had in mind, but as an outside observer I think it looks pretty fantastic. And I'm sure he'll love it, no matter what it looks like.

    1. Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by! :-)

  7. Can I just say how much I love that you linked this up to our Sweets For My Sweetie link-up? It's just so adorable! :) I just love how you gush over your man. It melts my heart! He is so lucky to have you...and I know you feel that you are lucky to have him, too! I think you can both be right, that's for sure! :)

    Have a great weekend, Jo!

  8. I think you did a great job. Last night my husband made dinner and he kept commenting about how he had cooked the chicken too long. All I could think about was that my wonderful husband had made a delicious dinner all by himself!

  9. It's very cute! Don't be so hard on yourself. The very fact that you sent something to him, made his day! It's not about all the frill and design for him, it's the thought. Although i can absolutely relate to the boarder line OCD.. b/c I have it too. At the end of your wedding day you'll be married to your Sailor - that is all that matters. Don't let the small stuff take the magic & giddiness out of your special day.
    I'm excited for you!! I can't wait to read more about your upcoming wedding!!!

    <3, Amy

  10. Hey!!! I am a fellow Navy Wife!!! I found your blog on MilSpouse, oh and by the way the Greek Cereal is our favorite here at home as well. Your blog is adorable looking forward to reading more in the future. Where are you guys stationed?



Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me! Keep in touch!

Best wishes always,