
Monday, January 7, 2013

I've Been Waiting for This for 7 Months!

It's my hope that by the time you read this, I will have already hugged John approximately eight-thousand times. Because he's only home for such a short amount of time, I will be completely offline. That means, no tweeting, Facebooking, pinning, emailing or blogging for me. I do not want to regret wasting a moment of time that John and I have together (and with everything we have planned-- including wedding stuff-- we will need every second!). 

So, this blog will be very stagnant for two weeks. Afterward, though-- look out! I promise I'll have tons of awesome posts after I get back (including some new care package ideas for you to try).

Please feel free to comment, email, Facebook, or tweet me while I'm gone. I will get back to everyone after I put John back on the plane.

In the meantime, grab someone you love who's nearby, give 'em a hug, and do something nice for 'em.

See you later!

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  1. YAYY! I'm so excited for you Jo!! Have fun with your man! Can't wait too see what you bring to the table after spending some time with your other half! <3 Victoria

  2. Fun photo and hope you two had a special, fun, happy times together while Navy man is on leave! Hugs!

  3. Yayyyyy! So happy for you! That is so exciting!!!!

    Have a great two weeks!

  4. Yes, Girl! You should unapologetically turn off everything and soak up as much time with your guy as you can. Wishing you both two wonderful weeks!*

  5. Yaaay! I'm just starting to follow your blog, but that has GOT to be a great feeling! Enjoy your time together!

  6. That picture made my day! SO cute! Glad he's home for a while!

  7. So excited for you! :) Have a wonderful time, Jo! :)

  8. Yeay that's awesome! Happy for you guys :)

  9. have an awesome time! so happy for you :)

  10. So sweet! Hope you are loving every minute! :)

  11. Hope you are enjoying your time together. I know the feeling well. My navy man has only been gone a few weeks this go-around, and I already can't wait. Off to check out more of your blog now.

  12. God bless all our military families! I hope you have an awesome 2 weeks!

    Stopping in from SITS.

  13. Hope y'all are enjoying your time together! R&R leave is so great!


Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me! Keep in touch!

Best wishes always,