
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cleaning Up

John left for Afghanistan on Wednesday morning. It was a tough goodbye, but nothing we couldn't handle. That sounds cocky, and I don't mean it to be. But after seven months apart during the "fighting season," four or five more months seems (almost, kinda, sorta) short. But more on that later. 

My bedroom is littered with my open, empty suitcase. Laundry is in piles, waiting for me to get the gumption to throw them in the washer. I've got belated Christmas presents to put away and a dishwasher to unload and then reload. There's a stack of save the dates that must, must, must be mailed this morning. While I was gone, my schedule at school changed, so I have an entirely new class to prepare for and curriculum to design on the fly. I've had to do some triage with wedding plans, and I have three guest posts I need to write. And there are two barely started care packages for John that won't finish themselves.

I'm sad that R&R is over. It will take me a few days to get myself together and get everything cleaned up and caught up.  However, I didn't want to let things go too long without posting, especially since you all left such wonderful, kind messages for John and me. 

I promise there will be many posts detailing our goofy R&R adventures. It will just take me a tiny, little bit of time to be able to look back on them and write about them with joy. I refuse to be a Debbie Downer for the last leg of this deployment. 

On that note, a few very exciting, bloggy things have happened in the last two weeks:

2) We are also currently featured on the SITS Girls for today's Sharefest!

3) We now offer advertising options! Our sponsorships are affordable and offer a lot of bang for your buck! Check it out, and advertise with Jo, My Gosh today! 

And now, on to the last part of this deployment!

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  1. good to hear you are getting back to "normal" whatever that is. It's hard to play catch up but it can be done. i've been busy then got a wretched cold and finally over that. So I didn't blog much but plan to make up for it...2 posts a week. Hopefully. I am working on completing a photo book on Shutterfly of our 35th wedding anniversary trip....and a few add ons to remember. It's been fun but time consuming. Will be sharing that on my blog when it's finished....later this week. Hugs and take care and have a blessed week!

  2. Getting back to normal is always tough. Glad you got that time with your husband, though! Can't wait to read of your goofy adventures :)

  3. I don't think it sounds sily at all the way you are feeling. My son-in-law did his tour in Desert Storm and Iraq. It's a lonely stressful time. I wish you all the best and will remember you in my prayers. Bill missed Afghanistan by just a few months. He received his twenty year letter and can always resign now if they decide to deploy him.

    He has never shied from going anywhere they sent him in the entire twenty years. This was the first time that he had a bad gut feeling and he was worried about going. So we all prayed he would get that letter and not get called up.

    Wow, I am sorry I got into all of that but I am so dedicated to our military and so understand what families go through!!

    My name is Jackie and I am here visitng from the GFC blog hop. I love your blog and am now following you!

    I do so hope you can visit me back.

    Happy Monday and have fun with all of that laundry! :-)

  4. Bless your heart. I think deployment would be the hardest thing in the world.

  5. It is hard to regroup after time together, I would imagine. Hugs to you, and here is hoping the next part flies by! :)

  6. Hope this deployment goes super fast for you!


Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me! Keep in touch!

Best wishes always,