
Thursday, December 20, 2012

This Earns Me Coal for Christmas

Welcome to my Countdown to Christmas Series. To start at the beginning, click here.  I sent my deployed fiance a box with a paper, pin-up Christmas tree and 24 small packages, one for each day until Christmas. Daily (or nearly daily) I will be blogging about the day's surprise!

Let me begin this post with thanking you all so much for your comments and kind words. I really appreciate knowing when you all like or are going to try a craft or recipe about which I've posted. However, today, I'm posting, a grotesque excuse for a craft. 

Please don't try to make me feel better about this awful attempt. It's horrible. I know it's horrible. No spin or kind words will make it look any less horrible. 

So please, sit back and enjoy this sad, sad excuse for an ornament. I know I've gotten a boatload of much-needed comedy relief from it. 

First, let's look at the goal. When I pinned this ornament, I thought it was absolutely adorable. In fact, I decorated one of John's letters like a carved tree (see it here).  You can feel the hope and excitement radiating from my (poorly capitalized and punctuated) description.  Oh, the possibilities and cuteness this idea held!

And here's my sad attempt:

Bask in the ugliness of that photo. There's no sugar-coating that. It's plainly the work of some demented, blind North Pole elf. John's already living and working in a war zone. He shouldn't be further traumatized by the sorriest Christmas ornament ever. I sent it, though, because I had run out of time to make another, better ornament. Despite it's obvious failure, John hung it on his paper tree.

He's a keeper.

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  1. No shame, lady. I've earned the nickname The AntiCraft because of a reputation for ruining all crafty projects. When I tell someone I'm making them a gift they go ahead and ask what they're being punished for :)

  2. Oh, Pinterest. How you so often fail us with your pictures of amazing things that turn out nothing like that at all. This made me giggle, and I have no doubt he still loved it because it came from you! :)

    1. Pinterest is so fickle, isn't it? This ornament is really the first huge Pinterest fail that I've had. I'm sure more are in store, though!

  3. We've all had many a craft fail on us, and the point is you tried. And I'm sure your husband is more than excited to be receiving so many thoughtful presents from you :-)

  4. I will admit, I giggled. I have many failed craft attempts that have never seen the light of day, so don't feel bad about one that went amiss.

    I hope you're not offended when I make this comparison, but the part about him putting it on the tree reminds me of when your kids bring you dandelions. You know they are weeds, you know they ruin lawns, but when your kids bring them to you out of love, you love those yellow, fluffy bits of destruction, you ADORE them, and you display them proudly. :) I'm sure he felt a lot like that (though I don't think your ornament will destroy any lawns ;) ).

    At any rate, it was a sweet story, and I'm enjoying hearing about the Advent in all its forms!

    Merry Christmas, Joanna! :)

    1. No offense taken! I am entirely aware of how comically bad that ornament is! :-)

  5. Hahaha! You get an A for effort though!

  6. LOL! I applaud you for your willingness to show your fail! Yes, John, is a keeper. Just curious, is it felt? I'm sorry, I just can't tell. :)

    1. Yeppers, it's felt! Thanks for stopping by, Carli!

  7. You did better than I would've done! I'm so not a DIY girl, so I commend anyone who tries to create something new. You definitely have a keeper girl!

  8. Too funny! Pinterest has failed me many times we may both get coal together! :) Happy Sharefest & Merry Christmas!


Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me! Keep in touch!

Best wishes always,