
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Do You Know The Muffin Man?

It feels like I've taken such a hiatus from my blog-- but it's only been two days! So many fantastic things have happened in the past 48 hours (some of which you'll read about in just a bit!). But I digress. I've got another Countdown to Christmas ornament post for you!

I have resolved to not say that this ornament is one of my favorites. I have an annoying habit of qualifying all of my posts that way. This is not one of my favorite ornaments. But it is a funny one. It's definitely unique. It's definitely a twist on an old Christmas standard. And it's definitely unexpected! 

When I saw this ornament on  Elsie Marley's blog, it immediately reminded me of Shrek and the scene with the gingerbread man talking to the dungeon torturer. ( "Do you know The Muffin Man?" "The Muffin Man?" "The Muffin Man!") I thought it was absolutely genius, and, because there was already a template and directions included on the blog, I just had to try it out!

I think he turned out just wonderfully, and I'll be happy to have him on our Christmas tree next December. Maybe by then I'll have a chance to make a glass of milk to accompany this little guy!

And now for some exciting news! Yesterday, I was featured as a guest blogger at Deployment Problems. I wrote a post about preparing for deployment. It was difficult to write and think about (since I prefer not to really think about the days leading up to and after John's deployment). Ultimately, though, I think it's important to talk about (even if it makes me uncomfortable). Click over and check it out!

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  1. Adorable! Thanks for linking it up to our 12 Days of Christmas {Goodies}!

    I'll be hopping over to read your guest post, too. :)

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Julie! I always look forward to seeing what you think!


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Best wishes always,